eWorkshop on Smart Management of Data for NGOs
Doers, a humanitarian organization working towards resilience and sustainability in Indian Himalayan, is organising an eWorkshop for NGO and development professionals. The topic of the eWorkshop is Smart Management of Data. The eWorkshop will provide training for swift, efficient, reliable and eco-friendly data collection.
Dates: 16 and 17 May 2020 (Saturday and Sunday)
Time: 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm, on both the days.
Venue: Online. Click here to Register
The eWorkshop is in further to create a culture of data-backed disaster planning across India. It is part of an initiative at Doers to create an exclusive programme titled Data Ecosystem for Effective Planning and Response during Emergencies & Disasters (DEEPRED).
For further information, contact:
Email: mail@doers.ngo
Mobile/ Whatsapp: 8091030405