Support World Lawyers Pledge on Climate Action

World Lawyers Climate Pledge

Lawyers have a crucial role to play in tackling the climate crisis; and not just environmental lawyers, but lawyers of all kinds and in all fields. It is in this spirit that a group of international lawyers have launch of the World Lawyers’ Pledge on Climate Action – an open letter from and to the global legal community asking all lawyers to incorporate climate responsibility into their profession.

The Pledge was initially drafted by Saskia Stucki, Guillaume Futhazar, and Tom Sparks. The Lead Signatories, alongside numerous other lawyers worldwide, were consulted and provided feedback in the course of a lengthy revision process. The final wording of the Pledge is thus the product, and reflective, of a global collaborative initiative.

The Pledge is now open to signatures by individual lawyers and legal institutions. All such entities are encouraged to read the World Lawyers’ Pledge on Climate Action, distribute it widely within your institution and networks, and sign the pledge. Your signature on the pledge will help support the Pledge, both as an individual and institutional signatory that you may represent.

The Pledge has already garnered the support of leading figures and institutions from the global legal community. It has been signed, among others, by Dr. Fatou Bensouda (former Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court), Judge Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor (Inter-American Court of Human Rights), Dr David Boyd (UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment), Dr Lalit Bhasin (President, Society of Indian Law Firms), Chunghwan Choi (President, LAWASIA), Judge Helen Keller (former Judge at the European Court of Human Rights), and Prof Christina Voigt (University of Oslo).

The science of climate change is clear—we are facing a climate emergency. Climate change is part of an unprecedented series of overlapping and mutually reinforcing ecological crises, and time is running out to prevent its most dangerous impacts on the environment and on human and other life. So, what are you waiting for. Click here to sign the pledge and join lawyers from around the world in tackling the climate crisis through legal advocacy and policy-based green action.

DG Correspondent

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