Climate Change Green Events Global Day of Action at the University of Delhi Aastha Kukreti 05-12-2008
Climate Change Green Events Invitation: Press Training on Climate Change, the Indian Story DG Correspondent 19-11-2008
Articles Climate Change Solar Powered Cycle-Rickshaws Launched in Oldest and Busiest Market of Delhi DG Correspondent 31-10-2008
Articles Climate Change Invite Obama, McCain to the UN Climate Negotiations DG Correspondent 29-10-2008
Climate Change Green Events Invitation: Seminar on ‘Renewable Energy and Climate Change’ DG Correspondent 04-08-2008
Climate Change Green Events Invitation for Seminar: “Action on Climate Change” DG Correspondent 03-06-2008
Climate Change Green Events Invitation: Delhi Youth Summit on Climate (DYSoC 2008) DG Correspondent 26-05-2008
Climate Change Green Events Registration Open for Delhi Youth Summit on Climate 2008 DG Correspondent 23-05-2008