MoEF Calls for National Workshop on Environmental Regulation Reforms


The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) is organising a National Workshop on Reforms in Environmental Regulation on Tuesday, the 25th of May 2010 at the Godrej Auditorium, WWF-India (Lodhi Estate, New Delhi). This event is intended to be a platform to discuss environmental governance in India, and aims to engage the States, members of civil society and industry, and other stakeholders in the development of the proposed National Environment Protection Authority (NEPA).

The Workshop will be chaired by the Hon’ble Minister for Environment and Forests. Over the course of two sessions, panelists will focus on the proposed role and function of NEPA and, solicit feedback on the design of this Authority. Rapid industrialization and infrastructure development in the last decade coupled with rates of accelerated migration, population growth and urbanisation has exerted tremendous pressure on the environment. The existing regulatory institutions at the Central and State levels have been unable to cope effectively with the resultant environmental challenges.

It is now well recognized that the hiatus between the environmental statutes and their enforcement is becoming wider. While the number and complexity of the projects being processed for environmental clearance has increased manifold, the capacity and resources available with MoEF and its agencies to manage them have remained limited. Thus, a very strong need has now been felt for the NEPA. (Click to read NEPA discussion paper)

For more information and to participate, contact:

M A Khan (+91.11.2436.1727)
Lakshmi Krishnan (+91.11.2436.3958)

DG Correspondent

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2 thoughts on “MoEF Calls for National Workshop on Environmental Regulation Reforms

  1. Pingback: MoEF Invites Comments on Draft Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Bill 2010 | :: Delhi Greens ::

    Dear All,
    Good Day!
    Through this network, I would like to appeal for the following. We all know about the havoc already been done by us towards environment. Here is a chance to do our bid today, on the Environment Day. May I request you not to drive your car 5th June unless you have medical reason for the same? If your workplace is far off, you may try to use a public transport system rather than your own car; if it is nearer, go for cycling or walking. By doing so we may register our contribution towards a low carbon economy and a cleaner environment.
    Kindly forward the request to all your acquaintances since contribution of
    everyone counts.
    I am sure you will feel good for doing something rather than only discussing on
    carbon emission.
    With best regards,
    Yours truly,
    Pradip Dey (A Feeler for Mother Earth)

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