Delhi Greens Thanks Applicants of Delhi Greens SOIP Call

Green HandsThe young generation is indeed going more for green action and without doubt the movement is getting diehard response from many. Delhi Greens’ call for the Summer Online Internship Programme (SOIP) on May 05, 2010 amazingly witnessed a wave of interest from a large number of youth and young professionals from across the city as well as from all parts of country.

The internship will be for a period of two months starting between May 10th and May 20th (now May 26th). The first phase of the program will engage the youth from Delhi, in helping green India and in creating more responsible, aware and smart citizens. They will be involved in the upcoming Delhi Youth Summit on Climate, 2010 as the first exposure to Delhi Greens working structure. The interns will be trained in understanding the various environmental issues and challenges during the period of the internship.

We will be shortly calling candidates for an interview on May 26, 2010, Tuesday at Teen Murti House at 11 AM. On the very next day, we will orient the selected five candidates on works required to be done during the internship period.  All those who have applied are requested to check your mails for further details and information. Stay Green!

Impuri Shimray

Impuri Shimray is a mass communication professional and is deeply committed towards working for an inclusive and sustainable society.

One thought on “Delhi Greens Thanks Applicants of Delhi Greens SOIP Call

  1. Dear All,
    Good Day!
    Through this network, I would like to appeal for the following. We all know about the havoc already been done by us towards environment. Here is a chance to do our bid today, on the Environment Day. May I request you not to drive your car today (5th June) unless you have medical reason for the same? If your workplace is far off, you may try to use a public transport system rather than your own car; if it is nearer, go for cycling or walking. By doing so we may register our contribution towards a low carbon economy and a cleaner environment.
    Kindly forward the request to all your acquaintances since contribution of
    everyone counts.
    I am sure you will feel good for doing something rather than only discussing on
    carbon emission.
    With best regards,
    Yours truly,
    Pradip Dey (A Feeler for Mother Earth)

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