Panel Discussion on Agriculture in India at NMML
The Nehru Memorial Museum and Library (NMML) cordially invite all interested to a Panel Discussion on ‘Agriculture in India’. The key speakers comprising the panel include Prof. Deepak Pental, Geneticist and former Vice-Chancellor, University of Delhi; Prof. Ashok Gulati, Economist and Chairman, Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices and Dr. Himanshu, Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences, Centre for the Study of Regional Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi.
Date: 23 March, 2012, Friday
Time: 3.00 pm
Venue: Seminar Room, First Floor, Library Building, NMML
Agriculture in India is amidst many a transition. Key aspects of the Green Revolution model are in crisis. There is an active debate on how to raise yields in dry land areas. Even more contested is the question of genetically modified organisms. At a socio-political level, the question of inclusive growth has even wider resonance given the large size of the work force in agriculture, the small size of most holdings and the issues of access to credit and water for many small holders. Issues of technology and science, the politics and economics of subsidies and the questions of poverty and disparity are all inter linked. The panel of eminent scholars will help unpack some of these issues and help place these questions in a broader perspective.
Image by leetucker via Flickr
No additional time expended on the fitness center, no back pain
for the reason that of to numerous crunches or other stomach exercise
routines and no far more sweaty exercises merely to assure that your abs appear
thanx for the great seminar held on 23 -march…2012…
Bizzduniya [link suppressed]