Govt of India Hosts Swacch-O-Vation Competition for Improving Sanitation

The Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen), Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation invites affordable, scalable and innovative solutions from technical institutions, academia, startup, the Government, NGO’s/ CSOs and innovators on sanitation. Submissions can be technical or concerning other aspects of the programme, and can be submitted by officials, partner organisations, NGOs, technical institutions, academia, CSOs, the government, private sector or others.

The competition will conclude at the Mahatma Gandhi International Sanitation (MGISC). MGISC will be a 4-day event that will bring together sanitation ministers and sector specialists from around the world. The Convention aims to share sanitation success stories and lessons from the participating countries, and will culminate on October 2nd, 2018. One of the main objectives of the MGISC is to organise a competitive process for the identification of upto five innovative solutions/startups in rural sanitation in India. As a part of MGISC, prizes will be awarded to innovative solutions which have been implemented along with being affordable and scalable.

The topics for the Competition are:

  1. Inclusive Sanitation Technologies: Widely replicable and accessible technologies and innovations that address key elements of the social model of inclusive sanitation, recognizing the different needs of different people. E.g. disabled-friendly technological solutions, cleaning tools for safai staff/ sanitation workers.
  2. Facing Environmental Challenges in Sanitation: Solutions to sanitation challenges like flooding, high water tables, hard rock, remote and small communities, trains (OD on wheels in stations), etc.
  3. Toilet Technology: Innovative toilet technologies that are easy to build, use, adopt, clean and empty.
  4. Solid Liquid Resource Management Solutions (including Menstrual Hygiene Management)
  5. ODF Sustainability Solutions: Technological innovations that help an ODF community sustain its ODF status by meeting post-ODF challenges like need for retrofitting, fecal sludge management, etc.

Every application must clearly identify a Project Leader who will take responsibility for the technical and managerial aspects of the innovation challenge. In the event that the innovation is shortlisted, the Project Leader will be required to present the case.

Last date for applying and submitting your Swacch-O-Vation is 9th September, 2018, 2359hrs IST.

Click here to read the rules and regulations of this competition and to participate.

Image by Ajay via Flickr

Aradhana Sharma

Aradhana Sharma is an environmentalist and nature lover, and and takes keen interest in urging people to adopt an Eco-friendly lifestyle. She can be reached at

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