50 Job Openings Advertised by Delhi Pollution Control Committee

The Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), Government of NCT of Delhi invites applications for engagement of Research Fellows and Associates at various levels. Following are the details of the posts advertised:

1. Junior Research Fellow

Educational Qualifications & Experience:
Post Graduate (PG) Degree in Environmental Science with NET qualification or any other National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their agencies and institutions as DST, DBT, DAE, DCS, DRDO, NHRD, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER, etc. or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Environment/ Civil) with GATE qualification or Master’s Degree in Engineering (Civil/ Environment).

Number of Posts: 26

Consolidated Emoluments: Rs. 31,000/-p.m.

2. Senior Research Fellow

Educational Qualifications & Experience:
Qualification prescribed for JRF with two years of research experience in the field of Environment/Pollution control activities.

Number of Posts: 16

Consolidated Emoluments: Rs. 35,000/-p.m.

3. Research Associate

Educational Qualifications & Experience:
Ph.D or M.E./M.Tech in the field of Environment/ Civil with four years’ experience in the field of Environment/ Pollution control activities.

Number of Posts: 08

Consolidated Emoluments: Rs. 47,000/-p.m.

How to Apply

The applicants who fulfill the requisite qualifications and eligibility conditions may submit their application in the attached proforma and send/ submit it along with photograph and self-attested photocopies of all the relevant documents in support age, educational qualification, experience etc. at the following address between 09.00 am to 05.00 pm latest by 18/12/2019.

Click here to Download the Application form.

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