Online Training on People and Forest Interface by MoEFCC

MoEFCC training

The Central Academy for State Forest Service, Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEFCC) is organising a two-day long online training on the topic People and Forest Interface. The ideal target audience for the training are NGOs and Community Based Organizations (CBOs).

Background and Motivation

The importance of the social dimension of forestry in today’s world need not be overly emphasized. With human populations exploding across the globe; the pressure on forests for meeting the needs of fuel wood, fodder, timber, and land, has proportionately increased. The stresses on natural ecosystems due to this anthropogenic pressure has assumed dimensions of war for the natural ecosystems and their myriad inhabitants.

A recognition of the human dimension of forestry led to the implementation of Social & Community Forestry programmes in the 1970s and 1980s. Further recognition of the people’s rights on forests and their role in forestry came in the form of the Joint Forest Management (JFM) Resolution in 1991. A decade and a half later, the Scheduled Tribes and other Forest Dwellers Act, 2006 was enacted, which further intensified this recognition of people’s stake in the forests.

Objective of the Training

To understand and appreciate the indispensability of people’s participation in forest management initiatives.

Training Dates and Time

The course will be of two days duration commencing at 9.30 am on 8th February 2021 and ending on 05.00 pm on 09th February 2021. There will be four sessions of about 90 minutes each on both days.

Date: 8th and 9th February, 2021
Venue: Online using MS Teams

The sessions will be held online through the Microsoft Teams portal with audio-visual aids. The participants will need to make themselves available at a place with a computer/ laptop and good internet connectivity.


Interested participants will need to register themselves on Microsoft Teams portal by clicking on this link:

Last date for registration is 8th February 2021. 

A certificate of participation will be provided to those participants at the end of the course who have appreciable attendance.

Click here for further information.

DG Correspondent

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