UNEP Green Nudges Programme for Universities

UNEP Green Nudges

The UN Environment Programme along with GRID-Arendal and the Behavioural Insights Team has launched a new publication titled The Little Book of Green Nudges on 1st September, 2020. The book aims to inspire up to 200 million students around the globe to adopt environmentally friendly habits and greener lifestyles. The book focuses on human actions and how to change them.

The Little Book of Green Nudges is a quick guide to reducing environmental impact of the university campus through behavioural change in the form of a concise and user-friendly publication. It summarises the evidence around what nudges work best while seeking to encourage more sustainable practices among students and staff across several behavioural categories. It also provides simple guidance on how to implement and evaluate behavioural interventions in a variety of contexts.

Although the most important step in shaping a sustainable future for us all involves bringing about systemic and lasting change through working at the government and policy level, green nudges can complement this work by acting as an effective behavioural change mechanism to encourage institutions and people to take that first step in their sustainability journey.

How to Get Involved

Universities / Student Unions / Green Offices:

You can nominate your campus to be part of the pilot phase. This means that you will select at least one green nudge from The Little Book of Green Nudges and implement it on your campus.


You can bring the Little Book of Green Nudges to the attention of your university and encourage them to get involved. You can also help to raise awareness around sustainable behaviour change on your campus while working together with other students, sustainability offices, green offices, catering offices, etc. to launch the pilot phase on your campus and implement green nudges together.

Sign up here to be a pilot campus.

DG Correspondent

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